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Have just updated Ps CC to 2017 version, haven't looked at it yet, will check it out this evening...

It has deleted Ps 2015.5, but left the empty shell folder with the Google/Nik 'Plug-ins' folder inside. Do I simply move the Google/Nik 'Plug-ins' folder from the old Ps folder and place it in the 'Plug-ins' folder of my shiny new Ps 2017?


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Dont know as I dont use Adobe CC.
The only thing that holds me in the Adobe camp is my huge number of Actions for CS6 that I have built over the years and some of the plugins. I use Lightroom v6.x for my catalogs but without Layers I find it less than what I need for serious editing.


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I forgot to say that there are several new RAW processing softwares coming to market.

MacPhun have just released Luminar which is brand new and I havent tested as yet.

I have the new OnOne PhotoRAW editor and LR plugin coming when I get back home to Spain. This promises better RAW processing especially of Fuji images, both inside and outside Lightroom.

There are also a couple of existing softwares that will be upgraded on the next two months. Cant say which ones as I am under NDA.

I would also expect that Lightroom v7 will come out in Feb-May 2017.


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It has taken me years to learn a fraction of what is available in Photoshop, I don't have the time to explore the competition and learn all the idiosyncrasies they will undoubtedly contain. No matter HOW good the offering may be.

I do yearn for the Nik zone feature, I find it immensely useful to be able to select a tone or area of an image with a single click and adjust that alone. That's why I want to re-activate the NIK filters in the latest update.

I have run Ps CC 2017 this evening. My initial encounter has not been without it's snags... On opening an image either directly or from Lightroom, results in a black screen. The image is there, the file is open but for some reason it's just not showing. I have to go to 'View'> 'Screen Mode' and change the screen mode then the image shows up. It may be due to my two screen setup, I did have the (Apple) Menu bar hiding and showing on mouseover and as a result some software lost it's top bar. I have turned it off for now and Ps seems to be behaving now.

To be honest, I don't see much difference with this version, I watched the video but the 'enhancements', such as they are, are of little interest to me.

I spent a few minutes editing this image... Taken from the Southern Nature Reserve on Walney Island. The lighting was very tricky, shooting almost directly into the Sun.

Nikon D3, 70-300 f4.5-5.6, @300mm, 1:2000Sec at f8, ISO 200


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Nice capture Robert.
Got great lighting, two boats, a bird, and 6 windmills, plus light and dark.


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Back to school JK, or the opticians... I count at least three boats, well OK perhaps I let you off, the third one is a ship! :doh:


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BTW, Thanks.

I took quite a few wider scenes but the one at 300mm won, for now, I may have a go at one of the wider ones this evening.


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Robert wrote:
It has taken me years to learn a fraction of what is available in Photoshop, I don't have the time to explore the competition and learn all the idiosyncrasies they will undoubtedly contain. No matter HOW good the offering may be.

I do yearn for the Nik zone feature, I find it immensely useful to be able to select a tone or area of an image with a single click and adjust that alone. That's why I want to re-activate the NIK filters in the latest update.

I have run Ps CC 2017 this evening. My initial encounter has not been without it's snags... On opening an image either directly or from Lightroom, results in a black screen. The image is there, the file is open but for some reason it's just not showing. I have to go to 'View'> 'Screen Mode' and change the screen mode then the image shows up. It may be due to my two screen setup, I did have the (Apple) Menu bar hiding and showing on mouseover and as a result some software lost it's top bar. I have turned it off for now and Ps seems to be behaving now.

To be honest, I don't see much difference with this version, I watched the video but the 'enhancements', such as they are, are of little interest to me.

I spent a few minutes editing this image... Taken from the Southern Nature Reserve on Walney Island. The lighting was very tricky, shooting almost directly into the Sun.

Nikon D3, 70-300 f4.5-5.6, @300mm, 1:2000Sec at f8, ISO 200

Wonderful control of lighting, Robert. :bowing:


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Just one point ...what's causing the vertical banding across the sky??


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Thank you Eric, methinks the D3 had more of a hand in the control of lighting than I did! LOL Although Lightroom and ACR helped to bring it out nicely, very little of the highlights were blown despite shooting almost directly into the sun.

The vertical banding is the rays of sunlight shining between the clouds in the slight sea mist. You can see how misty it is when you look for the ship JK missed, in the mist. :doh:


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Robert wrote:
Thank you Eric, methinks the D3 had more of a hand in the control of lighting than I did! LOL Although Lightroom and ACR helped to bring it out nicely, very little of the highlights were blown despite shooting almost directly into the sun.

The vertical banding is the rays of sunlight shining between the clouds in the slight sea mist. You can see how misty it is when you look for the ship JK missed, in the mist. :doh:

I saw 4 .....after you mentioned 3...then realised it was a seagull.

It's unusual for light rays to be that parallel...very nice capture. Damn ...that D3 is good. LoL


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Eric wrote:
It's unusual for light rays to be that parallel...very nice capture. Damn ...that D3 is good. LoL
That was one of the things that drew me to take so many images and possibly why the 300mm focal length worked so well. The wider scenes have way too many windmills, like looking into a forrest, when I was wanting to capture the sail boat.

The more I use the D3 the more I appreciate the special nature of images it can produce.


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Robert wrote:
Back to school JK, or the opticians... I count at least three boats, well OK perhaps I let you off, the third one is a ship! :doh: :lol:
Not so easy to see the ship on my ipad!
I needed to zoom it up as it looked like English smog!


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See what you mean, just looking at it on my iPhone and it's not obvious.


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Robert wrote:
See what you mean, just looking at it on my iPhone and it's not obvious.
In fairness it is just off the coast of Ireland


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Now I know it's a good camera and a superb lens but...

On a good day you can clearly see the Isle of Man, on a bad day your lucky to see anything. Never knowingly seen Ireland, yet.


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Robert wrote:
Now I know it's a good camera and a superb lens but...

On a good day you can clearly see the Isle of Man, on a bad day your lucky to see anything. Never knowingly seen Ireland, yet.



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Yes, nice shot...lovely actually

re: PS cc2017
since I let them do the auto update, I've been totally unable to print through PS. I'm running Sierra and it's a comb of 17+Sierra that is goofy...I've spent a couple of hours so far trying to sort it out...of course Adobe blames apple but every other app I have prints just fine so I'm pretty sure it's adobe.


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TomOC wrote:

Yes, nice shot...lovely actually

re: PS cc2017
since I let them do the auto update, I've been totally unable to print through PS. I'm running Sierra and it's a comb of 17+Sierra that is goofy...I've spent a couple of hours so far trying to sort it out...of course Adobe blames apple but every other app I have prints just fine so I'm pretty sure it's adobe.

Thanks Tom!

Not sure Adobe know about Sierra? I had the Apple menu bar set to hidden-reappear on mouseover, When I opened Ps CC17 for the first time the top border of the Ps window at tight to the top of the screen, So if I tried to move the window down I triggered the Apple menus and couldn't get at the top bar of the Ps window to move it down the screen. I had to fiddle for a while while I found a workaround, sorted.

Not specifically aware of an issue with Ps printing via Sierra. I only have an old HP colour Laser and hardly ever use it. When I did try the other day to print an address label for Eric yellow cartridge was missing!

What Printer? I will make enquiries...


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Bit delayed but this is a wider example of the same view. This is a crop, mainly from the right, the boat was about centre as taken. Hate to think what it would have been like at 18mm!

D3, 70-300 f4.5-5.6 @ 75mm, 1/2000 sec at f8.0, ISO 200

Processed in ACR, Lightroom and converted to monochrome in Silver Efex, border added in Ps. Posted via screenshot from Ps and Flicker.


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Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
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A web of windmills!!


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Even more of them!

This is the image before cropping, after adjustments and before Silver Efex.

Focal length 75mm on the D3.

The final image again for easy comparison.

Eric, you can see the vertical rays of the Sun to the left, which feature in an earlier image which was taken a few minutes later almost directly into the Sun.


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Robert wrote:
Even more of them!

This is the image before cropping, after adjustments and before Silver Efex.

Focal length 75mm on the D3.

The final image again for easy comparison.

Eric, you can see the vertical rays of the Sun to the left, which feature in an earlier image which was taken a few minutes later almost directly into the Sun.

Ah yes...I see the light!:thumbs:


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This image looks almost wide angle, I am really struggling with the change of capture angle in FX after years of taking photographs with a relatively narrow field of view of DX. This was taken at 75mm, then cropped to improve composition and remove boring parts of the image.

OK, I realise with a zoom lens I should have composed the image through the viewfinder but the main thing was the image was well exposed and on the CF Card as an NEF, so I had the luxury of sorting those details once I got home.

The light was changing rapidly and I wanted to grab what I saw.

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