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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Wasilla , Alaska USA
Posts: 121
I have a tamrac pro 12 that I use alot but I'm looking for something I can fit 1 body and 2 lenses in 17-55 and 80-200. Prefer a shoulder style as my Lowe Pro AW200 sorta sucks , any suggestions ? Domke looks like decent bags and national geographic has a series someone makes for them .


Joined: Fri Apr 6th, 2012
Posts: 224
Hi Rick

Have a look at the ThinkTank Restrospective. I use a Retrospective 20 as a walk around bag. Holds the D4 and two additional lenses, or one lens and flash or one lens and an additional body without lens.



Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Green Valley, Arizona USA
Posts: 65
I have used a Domke for many years. They don't have the most padding around the body of the bag,in fact they have none so I make an insert of cordura nylon and closed cell foam around the inside. Lot's of pockets and such. Very well made. Reasonably priced at todays prices.


Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Wasilla , Alaska USA
Posts: 121
my local shop has the think tank retrospective 20 and it seemed well built . if you put all that stuff in htere my small selection should fit easy


Joined: Thu Apr 5th, 2012
Location: Wasilla , Alaska USA
Posts: 121
Its semi official got hte think tank retrospective 20 and today I am using it for the first time . Thanks for the D200 with grip 80-200 2.8 and 15-55 2.8 are no problem in it

Ray Ninness


Joined: Sat Apr 7th, 2012
Location: Bedford, New Hampshire USA
Posts: 92
ArcticRick wrote: Its semi official got hte think tank retrospective 20 and today I am using it for the first time . Thanks for the D200 with grip 80-200 2.8 and 15-55 2.8 are no problem in itI'm on my third Domke FX1 Little Bit Bigger bag, and I have a corner of my studio piled high with other "Good Ideas" that never even came close to replacing my Domke.

Good Luck with the new bag.. My Domke holds two D700's with bases, the VR70-200, the 24-70, and a 14mm and both the TC 14E and 20E.. A flash card wallet and SB900, assorted batteries and electronic releases.... The only down side, it that, that lot weighs in at almost 30 pounds, and my 71 year old body, it not pleased as much as my 70 year old body was????


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