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And the putty medal for design goes to...  Rate Topic 

Posted by Eric: Fri Oct 11th, 2019 15:31 1st Post
The atrocious lump that is the MB-N10.

The chance to blend a battery pack onto a new designed camera body. Nikon produce something 
that looks and is ugly afterthought. Speechless.


Posted by jk: Fri Oct 11th, 2019 15:32 2nd Post
Yes horrible.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by GeoffR: Sat Oct 12th, 2019 13:21 3rd Post
Eric wrote:
The atrocious lump that is the MB-N10.

The chance to blend a battery pack onto a new designed camera body. Nikon produce something 
that looks and is ugly afterthought. Speechless.

I suspect it was an afterthought, any one with any imagination would have designed the camera to accept a grip with additional controls in the same way as the D850 etc. As it is the camera is restricted by the absence of both contacts and of a well designed grip.

Nikon need a Z6/7 MK11 to add facilities for a vertical grip and a MK11 grip to provide them, preferably one that can take an EN-EL18 or similar to provide more power.

May be someone could design an FTZ adaptor without the tripod socket at the same time, it is unusable with the grip fitted anyway so it might as well be deleted.

I wonder if the designer's feet are in a good state. I haven't seen such a mess from Nikon since the original MB10 which needed the F90 to be modified to work with the additional shutter button. The MB10 only worked fully with the F90X.

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