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Kathy Baker


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Near Madison, Wisconsin USA
Posts: 92
what is the word on memory cards from china?
thanks, kathy


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Lexar or SanDisk.
Class 10, x166 or whatever speed is supported by the camera but unless you use the camera for video then these are fine.

Occasionally Qumox or Kingston.

No other makes used or recommended.

Gilbert Sandberg


Joined: Tue Apr 17th, 2012
Location: Netherlands
Posts: 196
If you mean to say cheap offers from abroad (not saying anything about honest sellers).
I would avoid them all, what is the use of trying to save a few pounds, compared to the potential loss (and I mean lost photo's/jobs/reputation etcetera).
I would always buy from a reputable store, preferably nearby.
Regards, Gilbert

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