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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
A trip to Devoke Water on Birker Fell not far from Eskdale.

I have been trying to get to Devoke Water for some time, this was my third attempt. It's nearly a mile from a metalled road, along a rough farm track.  Too far to carry the heavy gear, so a careful drive, avoiding large boulders and deep potholes was the name of the  game.  In the first few yards is a large steel pipe culvert which has been made hard to pass because the road is eroded by tractors and 4X4's.  I was concerned that if I found a way over the culvert and went along the road we might either get stuck, or have to reverse out if we couldn't turn round, so Christopher and I walked right to the end yesterday afternoon.

This was my first view of Devoke Water, a small reservoir above Eskdale.

What I think is the pumphouse.

There were no serious obstacles so when we got home I decided it was doable at night. After dinner we returned, armed with the heavy tripod and the D800 and my MC-36a remote timer.  We arrived about ten and after a cup of coffee to calm the nerves after a hair raising drive at night, I set up the camera, it was so dark I couldn't see the pumphouse in the viewfinder so I decided to take a 30 sec exposure to check framing.

D800, 16mm fisheye f2.8 @ f4 ISO about 1600 I think.

The first long exposure was for 20 minutes, at f4, ISO100.

The second was for 45 minutes at f4, ISO 100.

I should have reduced the aperture to f8 perhaps, but the purpose was to try out the location and the MC-36a timer.  I haven't been able to make long exposures before.  This opens up a whole new set of opportunities.

On the whole very pleased, room for improvement, the final 45 minute exposure took a lot of work to make it presentable.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Robert wrote:

A trip to Devoke Water on Birker Fell not far from Eskdale.

I have been trying to get to Devoke Water for some time, this was my third attempt. It's nearly a mile from a metalled road, along a rough farm track.  Too far to carry the heavy gear, so a careful drive, avoiding large boulders and deep potholes was the name of the  game.  In the first few yards is a large steel pipe culvert which has been made hard to pass because the road is eroded by tractors and 4X4's.  I was concerned that if I found a way over the culvert and went along the road we might either get stuck, or have to reverse out if we couldn't turn round, so Christopher and I walked right to the end yesterday afternoon.

There were no serious obstacles so when we got home I decided it was doable at night. After dinner we returned, armed with the heavy tripod and the D800 and my MC-36a remote timer.  We arrived about ten and after a cup of coffee to calm the nerves after a hair raising drive at night, I set up the camera, it was so dark I couldn't see the pumphouse in the viewfinder so I decided to take a 30 sec exposure to check framing.

D800, 16mm fisheye f2.8 @ f4 ISO about 1600 I think.

Love this image.

As you know I am not a fan of star trails so the other ones dont rock my boat.

Graham Whistler

Joined: Sat Apr 14th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1895
Super part of the world, love the pictures! The Ravenglass Railway is just round the corner.

Current theme is Blue

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