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Problem with paragraphs in "reply" box  Rate Topic 

Posted by Squarerigger: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 09:33 1st Post
Lately, when I respond to a posting, I leave a space between certain comments so it's easier to keep thoughts separate. Now when I do this, the spacing is there until I post and then the whole thing runs together. Space  What am I doing wrong?


Posted by Robert: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 09:55 2nd Post
Nothing Gary,  We are trying to figure this out behind the scenes at the moment.  JK installed some updates over the Christmas holiday and we think that might be related. Initially he thought it was because I am running beta versions of the Apple software but I tried a wide variety of computers going back to my old G4 laptop and an old iMac G5 all running very old versions of OSX and they are exactly the same.
Line break.
You may also find that the "Quote" feature is different now, more refined, the code is no longer visible but you can access it by opening a post with the 'Edit Source' button.
Line break.

If you use Fire Fox v17.3? that fixes it but my spellcheck doesn't seem to play well with Firefox, which seems to have it's own but I can't activate it. Also the FF text input window isn't re-sizable as the Safari one is. That is a problem for me because I ramble on so much I need a larger window quite often.:devil:


Posted by Eric: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 10:21 3rd Post
Robert wrote: Nothing Gary,  We are trying to figure this out behind the scenes at the moment.  JK installed some updates over the Christmas holiday and we think that might be related. Initially he thought it was because I am running beta versions of the Apple software but I tried a wide variety of computers going back to my old G4 laptop and an old iMac G5 all running very old versions of OSX and they are exactly the same.
Line break.
You may also find that the "Quote" feature is different now, more refined, the code is no longer visible but you can access it by opening a post with the 'Edit Source' button.
Line break.

If you use Fire Fox v17.3? that fixes it but my spellcheck doesn't seem to play well with Firefox, which seems to have it's own but I can't activate it. Also the FF text input window isn't re-sizable as the Safari one is. That is a problem for me because I ramble on so much I need a larger window quite often.:devil:

Same prob on iPad...need to do triple line break to get paragraph...

It also forces the input line below the bottom of the window...I have to force a line break to be able to input the text.
All since Xmas it sounds like the software upgrade.
It could be that Report button of course:rofl:


Posted by Squarerigger: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 10:54 4th Post
Thanks Robert, I was concerned I had somehow broken the system :doh:
Maybe I should have used the Report Button to report this problem? :devil:


Posted by jk: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 11:50 5th Post
Eric wrote: Robert wrote: Nothing Gary,  We are trying to figure this out behind the scenes at the moment.  JK installed some updates over the Christmas holiday and we think that might be related. Initially he thought it was because I am running beta versions of the Apple software but I tried a wide variety of computers going back to my old G4 laptop and an old iMac G5 all running very old versions of OSX and they are exactly the same.
Line break.
You may also find that the "Quote" feature is different now, more refined, the code is no longer visible but you can access it by opening a post with the 'Edit Source' button.
Line break.

If you use Fire Fox v17.3? that fixes it but my spellcheck doesn't seem to play well with Firefox, which seems to have it's own but I can't activate it. Also the FF text input window isn't re-sizable as the Safari one is. That is a problem for me because I ramble on so much I need a larger window quite often.:devil:

Same prob on iPad...need to do triple line break to get paragraph...

It also forces the input line below the bottom of the window...I have to force a line break to be able to input the text.
All since Xmas it sounds like the software upgrade.
It could be that Report button of course:rofl:

Yes it does and I find it really annoying.   Maybe I need to roll back this update.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 14:01 6th Post
OK I have rolled back the fix that I applied to the forum software before Christmas.

This fix seems to have messed up more users here than it might solve issues with.

The fix was meant to allow users of IE10 and IE9 to be identified properly so that the server admins and moderators could track usage better.

Apologies for this change just as you might have been getting used to putting extra padding into your posts.
Those of us who also use iPads will be able to see the posts you are writing more easily. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!

1st new
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