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Rob Galbraith gone - do you care :-) ??  Rate Topic 

Posted by TomOC: Sun Jul 22nd, 2012 19:41 1st Post


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by richw: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 00:44 2nd Post
Yes, very much! He was always a thoughtful and knowledgable writer, along with Thom Hogan one of the good ones.

It is scary for me to think that when most folk first search for a site they don't find these guys, they find Ken Rockwell, who by sheer weight of shameless self publicity and uninformed reader numbers is now widely reported, even in publications that should know better, as an 'expert'.

This may not seem that important, but the camera companies will try to follow public sentiment when bringing out new products, so it matters a great deal who forms that sentiment.

Posted by Robert: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 04:45 3rd Post
richw wrote:
Yes, very much! He was always a thoughtful and knowledgable writer, along with Thom Hogan one of the good ones.

It is scary for me to think that when most folk first search for a site they don't find these guys, they find Ken Rockwell, who by sheer weight of shameless self publicity and uninformed reader numbers is now widely reported, even in publications that should know better, as an 'expert'.

This may not seem that important, but the camera companies will try to follow public sentiment when bringing out new products, so it matters a great deal who forms that sentiment.

Agree with all that Rich, we seem to be heading for the lowest common denominator. Bj¸rn R¸rslett is no longer maintaining his website either. My understanding is that any new content is only being posted on the Nikon Gear site which is becoming paid member only.

I guess these things will evolve over time.

I do wonder if the 'Free lunch' which has long been the illusion of the internet is finally coming to an end.

There are real costs of providing genuine and good quality content, both hosting, software, hardware, time and expertise. That cannot be free forever, these costs HAVE to be covered some way, and for quality content the costs must be significant.


Posted by jk: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 05:43 4th Post
Yes I saw that a few days ago.

Answer to your question..... Some but..... I found the RG forums where I used to post before I came here to be very good but overly strict about reporting of rumours.

In fact they had a no rumours policy.
How creative is that. :lol: So everything had to be posted in a form of, I would like a new Nikon to have this xyz, rather than I hear there will be a new Nikon that has xyz.

A loss but not a huge one. IMHO.
I wish him well in his new teaching role. He knows his stuff and writes well but not as well as Thom Hogan.

Unfortunately now we have the major sites such as DPReview (whose reviews seem to get worse by the week and their forums are abysmal and full of trolls), the Ken Rockwell drivel (except for his flash reviews which seem to be very useful) as the major hit sites.

Maybe we will get some more members here as a result.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Squarerigger: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 08:27 5th Post
richw wrote:
Yes, very much! He was always a thoughtful and knowledgable writer, along with Thom Hogan one of the good ones.

It is scary for me to think that when most folk first search for a site they don't find these guys, they find Ken Rockwell, who by sheer weight of shameless self publicity and uninformed reader numbers is now widely reported, even in publications that should know better, as an 'expert'.

This may not seem that important, but the camera companies will try to follow public sentiment when bringing out new products, so it matters a great deal who forms that sentiment.

My sentiments also, well put Rich.


Posted by Graham Whistler: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 13:43 6th Post
Yes, very much! He was always a thoughtful and knowledgable writer, along with Thom Hogan one of the good ones.

I would agree with that. Times change and most of us by now know what makes our DSLRs tick and there are is no longer the need to get the latest camera every time a new one come out.

Graham Whistler

Posted by TomOC: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 14:25 7th Post
It's amazing how the whole field of photography "journalism" has moved to one of reporting new hardware.

In another surprise, I bought a copy of Rangefinder Magazine over the weekend... Not once did they mention any of the contributors using a rangefinder camera. In fact, the two most cited cameras were Nikon and Canon DSLRs ... How funny


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

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