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Nikon 1 V1  Rating:  Rating

Posted by jk: Thu Nov 6th, 2014 14:40 1st Post
I have been looking at a true pocket camera.
I originally looked at the Nikon 1 V1 but when it came out it was tidulously expensive.
I checked out the V2 model whenit came out an then the V3.
All I can say is that Nikon havent improved the camera offering only changed the camera without any real clear product direction (IMHO).

I came across a Nikon V1 in good condition with a 10-30 lens for £160 so decided to give it a test.
I await its arrival next week and will test.

It wont outperform my Fujis or other Nikons wrt IQ but it will focus faster than the Fujis and is as small as my X100 but...... It has a smaller sensor!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Fri Nov 7th, 2014 16:49 2nd Post
Looking forward , as I have been looking at a V1 with flash and 18mm lens for about 200 pounds , but thought maybe wait for a V3 to come along , did see a site of a V1 test , looked pretty good ,and, with the proprietary adapter all nikkors can be used,but that V3 has the removable finder making the camera very small , the V2 is not pocketable due to it´s finder ,so it would be either the V1 or V3...

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by jk: Fri Nov 7th, 2014 17:03 3rd Post
I cant work without a finder due to my eyesight. So it is V1 which takes same battery as D800, D600, D7100 (which I dont own yet but will get one in 2015 if there is no D400 in February).

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Graham Whistler: Sat Nov 8th, 2014 07:05 4th Post
I had a 2nd hand V1 for a short time and it had a mind of it's own. I like to drive a camera as they say "by the seat of my pants" the V1 kept taking over and costing me pictures. My wife still has her V1 and also has problems of it not being ready to grab a shot or with out warning take 5 shots like a machine gun!

Hence my posting on Sony NX10 great little camera takes super pix and an A3 landscape got me first place in my local camera club monthly comp last week. It's as easy to drive as my D810. The trouble with many modern little cameras is they make them far too complex for me, you need a 16 yr old on them!

Graham Whistler

Posted by jk: Sat Nov 8th, 2014 13:07 5th Post
Hmmm. I tested a V1 when it first came out and I found that in Aperture priority mode it seemed to work well but I didnt buy it as I thought it was expensive £750 new for what was on offer. If they had made it APS-C then it would have been a winner.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Sat Nov 8th, 2014 20:51 6th Post
Yes , conflicting reports about that V1 , the V3 seems t be a tad better , and that removable finder makes it easy to pocket it , but secondhanders are few and expensive , and then there s the df , of which I m still on the fence , so looking forward to a thorough review of that V1 :applause:

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by amazing50: Fri Nov 14th, 2014 08:27 7th Post
Nikon makes a FT1 Mount Adapter for the V1 which allows all the electronics of F mount lenses to function.

This could be interisting with the small sensor. The Mount Adapter is attached to the Nikon 1 camera and the F-Mount NIKKOR lens then attached to the adapter.

The FT-1 will add an angle of view of 2.7 times that of the F-Mount NIKKOR lens' focal length.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Fri Nov 14th, 2014 13:19 8th Post
Yes the FT1 is a nice to have but then you start to want to carry heavy FF lenses.
I now have the V1 with 10-30 fitted but await the 30-110mm lens that is its partner lens for the camera.

One thing I notice immediately is how fast the AF is compared to my Fujis but the quality from the CX sized sensor (1") is definitely lower than the Fujis.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Mon Nov 17th, 2014 01:10 9th Post
Jonathan ... Thorough test of that V1 .. Please ..., incl. them Prime Nikkors :thumbsup:

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by jk: Mon Nov 17th, 2014 03:33 10th Post
novicius wrote:
Jonathan ... Thorough test of that V1 .. Please ..., incl. them Prime Nikkors :thumbsup:
I am waiting for the 30-110 lens so that I can compare the two and see how well the camera works for me.

I dont have an adapter to attach a non-V1 fit Nikkor to the camera.
I might get one of these adapters in the future.

Initial tests show that battery life is very good and the AF is better than my Fuji but I havent done any side by side comparisons with my FF Nikons or the Fujis.
From past testing with Ed Constable when he had his V1 shows that the camera is more of a replacement for a P'nS camera with much better AF and controls.
One difficulty I fond moving between the different sized sensors is that the DOF changes with the sensor size.
On the smaller sensor f8 provides a hige DOF.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Mon Nov 17th, 2014 19:23 11th Post
Is it a responsive camera as in : press button / Shutter fires or is there a waiting period ?

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by jk: Tue Nov 18th, 2014 12:13 12th Post
Very small wait as the camera latches focus.
It is much faster focus than my Fuji X-Trans cameras but not as fast as the DSLRs.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by novicius: Wed Nov 19th, 2014 18:50 13th Post
What lens have you tried on it , and can focus be set manually , so as Pre-Focus can be used , as I understand it , the auto focus slows it down , so on manual there is No time lag or am I wrong ?

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by jk: Thu Nov 20th, 2014 04:40 14th Post
I only have the Nikon 10-30 and 30-110mm lenses available to me. I will eventually get an adapter for using the older Ai, AFD and G lenses.

Still learning after all these years!

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