Moderated by: chrisbet,
2022 and all that  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Sun Jan 9th, 2022 11:17 1st Post
Dear All,
Hopefully everyone should have received the following email before Christmas 2021.

"Our current hosting company for the forum is due to cease trading at the end of February 2022.

We are transferring the forum to a UK based server and the new URL address is

The new address is active now, so until the end of February either or will give you access to the forum.

If you have not visited the forum for some time, may we encourage you back - there are many recent improvements including being more friendly for mobile devices, better quality images, a new full featured editor, a choice of themes, a new messaging system, a new gallery and a carousel of gallery images.

The forum is no longer exclusively Nikon based, we embrace all makes of camera and phone.

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and hope to see you soon."

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Sun Jan 9th, 2022 11:34 2nd Post
Further to this email I have been considering whether in the long term I continue running the forum.  I have been on this forum since 1998 and Admin since 2002 and owner since 2009.  

I have discussed this some of you in the weeks before Christmas as to whether I close the forum or keep it open.

Chris Betson has kindly offered to host the forum on his servers so that means that we only have costs associated with the domain and its email registrations.  These domain costs are about £15/annum.
I would like to thank Chris for his kind offer and also the support he has made to the forum since he joined a few years ago. 
His work has enhanced the forum interface and presentation and allowed us to move it forward so that there is little need to change forum software.

In the longer term I will say that it is my intention in March 2023 to either close the forum or to pass it on to some other person who identifies themself to me as willing to manage and pay for the hosting and registrations.

I thank everyone for all the support that they have given me personally and to the forum finances that have enabled it to get to its 25th Anniversary in 2023.

In many ways social media has been the the killer for the forum as people can share their images directly on Facebook or Instagram or elsewhere so the forum has become of limited use where people look for solutions to some technical problem that they are encountering.   Social media is particularly bad if you want to find things from the past as there is little or no indexing.

If anyone wants to take over the ownership and management of the forum then please can they contact me via a Personal Message.  

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by chrisbet: Sun Jan 9th, 2022 12:17 3rd Post
Social media is transient - there are few posts older than a couple of months that turn up in a google search.

I think there is still a place for quality images to be shared on fora - as well as the big "magazine" sites there are quite a few smaller sites like ours that cater for small groups of enthusiasts.

At the end of the day the footfall we get is directly linked to the flow of posts onto the forum. Can I encourage those active members we have to spend just a little time each week to post a positive item as well as responding to other's posts.

Maybe a garden through the year, changing seasons, the weather, hobbies & crafts, things we have made (like Robert's photo repro stand). Maybe if the current wave of the virus subsides with the warmer weather we will be able to get out and about more?

I think more use could be made of the non photo category - other hobbies or interests or the latest funny joke or observation of human madness in these crazy times.

If it is broken it was probably me ....

1st new
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