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 Moderated by: chrisbet,  

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Visit the Updates section of the MAS (Mac App Store) You should find 10.8.4 available to download.

If you have several computers to update when the download is complete, don't go to the install and re-start option, stop the install and look in your main Library, (not the user library which is normally hidden) There is a folder in there called updates, list by date and the most recent download should be at the top, the name is usually a six or eight digit number. Copy that installer package to another place like a USB memory stick, then remove the USB storage and return to updates in the MAS, you should then be able to complete the update. The installer package will be gone from the Library folder if you check after the update is complete.

To update the other computers, put the installer package on each desktop and double click it should do the trick. I don't usually need to put it in the updates folder but I suppose you could if you wished.

10.8.4 update should update any 10.8.x OS.


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
rob what a weird way of going about it ,i just click on the apple logo top left of screen ,go to system updates ,it then runs a check ,and download what ever you deem needed .AND BTW there has been a security update tonight which supercedes your update !!!! as far as i'm aware


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
blackfox wrote:
rob what a weird way of going about it ,i just click on the apple logo top left of screen ,go to system updates ,it then runs a check ,and download what ever you deem needed .AND BTW there has been a security update tonight which supercedes your update !!!! as far as i'm aware
If you have several computers you may not want to download the entire update that many times? I have four computers to update, I prefer to download once and share the single download.

I know it's very easy to do an update, I was just explaining how to do multiple updates from the single download?

I have done four updates so far this month, X that by four computers and that's a fair chunk off my monthly download allowance.

Not seen a security update, yet?


Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Flint, North Wales, United Kingdom
Posts: 1245
forgot you lived out in the sticks rob,no idea what a monthly download allowance entails :devil:


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
No probs Jeff, Well with my new arrangements, I am allowed 10 Gb traffic a month, that is the total of uploads and downloads. With careful management I am currently at 60% but Christopher, bless him! Managed to download 18Gb in 5 days at half term, watching U Tube video's, he blew my allowance and some. Currently a Mac OS point update download is about 380Mb. To download that 4 times, once for each computer, would be 1.5 GB off my 10Gb allowance. Times that by four...

Bob Bowen

Joined: Thu Apr 12th, 2012
Location: Bristol, United Kingdom
Posts: 179
I'm lucky with 6mb speed at minimum with no limits so small updates like this one take only 3-4 mins. Used the USB stick method when 10.8 came out as my router would not accept the size of the download and using a mates set up took nearly and hour. That by four plus instal time mounts up as you rightly point out Robert.


Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Direct download available here.

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