View single post by Graham Whistler
 Posted: Fri Mar 21st, 2014 07:17
Graham Whistler

Joined: Fri Apr 13th, 2012
Location: Fareham, United Kingdom
Posts: 1806
The sad point is in days of Rollie, Hasselblad, or Nikon F3 (film) these cameras were almost for life they were so well made. In 40 yrs of using Hasselblad I only ever had 4 bodies and the lens lasted almost for ever.
We seem to be needing now to get a new DSLR almost every three years. In less that 10 years we went Nikon D1, D1X, D2X D3X D800. But we all know the D800 is many times better than the D1 but it cost us photographers a lot of money to get there.

Graham Whistler