View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Mar 16th, 2014 13:28

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
jk wrote:
I gave my XT1 last night its first test when doing a flamenco dance shoot.

The camera was able to produce a low count of successful shots that were sharp for moving dancers.

I am also somewhat limited as I dont have CaptureOne Pro or Lightroom5 to use to process the images rapidly.   I am currently using LightZone as it is a near equivalent to Bibble5 but without all the lovely plug-ins that i helped develop.

Those images that were sharp were very good but....... Big but.......

Using the EVF under these conditions is hugely difficult. There is significant smearing and lag compared to an optical view finder. I wish I had brought my XPro1 along as well to compare with the results from the 56mm f1.2 and XT1.

Anyway that said the camera performed well when I could shoot static dancers but it does mean that my Nikons D3 and D3S stay in the bag as my first line cameras for this type of work.

So I wont be getting a second XT1 to replace the Nikons.

Frankly, I would have been surprised if it had performed well enough, in such exacting situations, to retire the D3s.

For me, there are two questions

....which is the best X system body? (XE1 v XPro v XT1)?

.... is that body good enough for ALL but sport, wildlife and lowlight action?
