View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 17:30

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
Here is the Fuji lens roadmap.

That's interesting.

I hadn't appreciated there was a multiplication factor to the lenses!

I assumed they were corrected to the sesnsor DX lenses.

Nikon give the focal length of the lens but its coverage may be limited to a DX sensor or may be FX coverage. The focal length remains the same but the perceived FOV changes so you get a x1.5 focal length effect with the lens on a DX sensor.

That is why that Samyang 8mm on the Fuji is so tempting as it is an equivalent to a 12mm on a FX sensor. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!