View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Dec 1st, 2013 16:59

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6863
Sorry didnt answer the last part which was no the XE2 is very nice but I am happy with the XE1 and XPro1 especially as Fuji keep addressing the issues as I see them.

The camera will never achieve the AF speed of a D3, D4, D800 but it works it you work to its strengths.
In studio results are astounding. Who needs the heavy Nikon kit when this does it. In fact I have to soften not sharpen.
Currently waiting for the 14mm f2.8 as the 10-24mm from Fuji wont arrive until late February when I will be in HK for a wedding. Need to get used to the 14mm (20mm FF) before then!

Still learning after all these years!