View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Nov 30th, 2013 14:18

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4247
Shooting a circular glass walled restaurant with sea views. Bright sunshine outside. Owner wants 'mood/lifestyle' shots as well as f64 views from the table rose Holland.

Needless to say, it took a LOT of set up to get light balanced and avoid reflections...a lot of shots.

About 1hour into the of the SB900 stobes died. Replaced it with a spare SB800. Worked fine for another 20mins...then while moving a stand, it fell off......LCD cracked and no display.

Fortunately it stayed working, keeping the channel and group settings, for the commander unit to control.

But an expensive equipment malfunction day.

Packaged up and off to Nikon for assessment.

I have one more bar/restaurant to do next Friday...then i am done for 2013. Fingers crossed the remaining gear hangs together till christmas presents come to rescue.

