View single post by jk
 Posted: Thu Nov 7th, 2013 04:41

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6842
We have a work around for the inability to load files directly from your PC to a single post.
Instead if you load the images into your Gallery you can then add them to a separate post.

Thanks to Martin Wynne who provides UltraBB support and is also a member here.
 :applause: :applause:

1.  Have the forum post open in a separate tab first.

2.  Right click to select the image and drag the image from the Gallery up to its tab, move across to the post's tab.     Wait a few seconds for Firefox or IE to understand what you are doing, then drag down into the post and finally release.    
Hint.....You can do this from any image anywhere on the web. ;-)

You can insert as many images in a post as you wish this way.

Still learning after all these years!