View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Oct 22nd, 2013 09:13

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Well the sun is out. But clouds are in the sky. I have a sore throat provided by someone who visited UK in the last week so I am also sitting with a mug of coffee contemplating.... Your post.

Yes my D1 was a wonderful 2.74MP wonder that forced me to learn more about Photoshop. Was it really nearly 15 years ago (june 1999).

The D300 that I still have and use underwater to replace the old D70.
Yes it worked well but getting a D3 spoilt me. The D300 is not a DX version of the D3. We still await the unicorn or D400 that hopefully will fix that but in reality Nikon have not really stepped up to deliver for DX.
I say this because..... Where is the 10mm f2.8 rectilinear for DX. There is a semi-fisheye but no rectilinear. The nearest is a Sigma 10-20mm f4.

Agree with you about the Fuji XE1 equalling the D3 for image quality. There will be a Fuji 10-24mm released in December. Also there is now an XE2 with improved focusing, wifi and some other small updates that was released two days ago.

I have a D800 and D600 that I use for critical work where I need more pixels. So for landscapes, product shots, architecture (not very often) but these tend to be my personal shots or paid for assignments.

The D600 at 24MP is better than the D3S and D3 that I use for my flamenco shoots but I dont need 24MP for this. Yes I use the D600 for wide-angle shots but I dont need it for my telephotos shots.

The D800 at 36MP is really a MF camera in a mini skirt. Sexy beast she is but really except for landscapes and fine art photos it is too good for me.

So I do think that Nikon need to release the 18/24MP camera that is the D300 replacement or D400.
DX or FX is a personal choice but it is really more driven by what the cameras can yield in image quality. So if you have FX glass the you tend towards FX cameras.
Fuji have proven that small, light, high quality cameras with fantastic glass on DX cameras are possible and usable by professionals working in areas where high quality image output is required e.g. Weddings, portraits, etc.

Still learning after all these years!