View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Apr 21st, 2012 15:40

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
theman1050 wrote:
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
I think you will be fine with the D7000, I preferred the D300 for sports but that was just me.

Yes I agree. For me the D7000 just doesn't snap focus as fast and sure as the D300 and the D3.
Nevertheless the D7000 is a good performer with the right lenses.

Sure the 2 extra fps (300s does 8 fps) helps, but I found the cleaner, high iso and ability to film HD movies more important than 8 FPS. But everyone has their own needs.

Actually I found the D300 to have cleaner noise than the D7000. It was a little more obvious but the colour fidelity was better...especially in artificial light. In fact it was one of my disappointments with the D7000 and we had lengthy debates about this on the old forum, with Phil and Ed.

The other difference, already mentioned, is that it doesn't snap into focus as well as the D300. Having said that, I rarely used the D300, prefering the D3 FX format, and so I have been happy to add the D7000 for general photography and occasions when I need DX. Never been bothered by C speeds or video.

Last edited on Sat Apr 21st, 2012 15:42 by Eric
