View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Sep 9th, 2013 11:05

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
jk wrote:
So the move to CC will not reduce the software piracy issues that Adobe have.

Adobe acknowledged that the cloud software will be just as easy to crack as the stand alone at the 'Launch' I think they see it as a way of keeping a current product across the board, maybe not today but say 5 years down the line when the current stand alone software is obsolete due to hardware and OS developments.

That should reduce their costs both distribution and update wise.

In theory it also means they can respond to hacks and issues more quickly.

Hopefully the savings they make might feed back to the user, which it seems it may be by way of increased access to additional software and storage provision in their cloud.
