View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun May 19th, 2013 15:21

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
blackfox wrote: just done a search for that tom ,not available under that name on the u.k apps stores ,so much for the WORLD wide web :whip::whip::whip:

Yes this really annoys me.
Not available in UK.
Same as in the pst in USA where I bought a couple of Photoshop licenses they were $159 whereas in UK at the same time the going rate was £475.  When I complained to Adobe UK about this I was told that in USA they dont get any Tech Support.  I responded that I dont want £300 of Tech Support I want the same price and conditions as in USA. 
I was told this was not company policy.  I wont tell you my response.
And Adobe wonders why their products are on Pirate Bay!!! 

Also I have to have two iTunes accounts.  One for Spain and one for UK.  In the Spanish iTunes store I must use Spanish only.  In the USA store you can have Spanish or English.   What is so different ? 

Also what happens if I only speak Chinese but cant be in China then I cant use any store as I cant understand the  content.

This is plain madness.  I have complained to Apple over the years but with no luck.
Maybe I need to repeat the complain.  Persistence pays.

Still learning after all these years!