View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat May 18th, 2013 09:23

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6924
Since Adobe seem to be in the business of shooting themselves in the head/foot!
I am starting to look at other options for image editing.

I have had to do the same with my RAW conversion and editing.  I have moved from Bibble5/Aftershot Pro to Capture Pro and Lightroom (to a lesser degree).

So on the image editing front there are two contenders as I see it.

1.   GIMP which in its latest versions v2.8.4 is very close to Photoshop CS.  The big loss there is the fact that I have so many Actions and Plugins that I will lose as at present these features arent there in the same format as in the Adobe product.  Instead there is a scripting interface.
2.  There is a new software called Acorn which is a cross between Photoshop and Illustrator as far as I can ascertain.  It costs $30.
I need to test it more thoroughly and evaluate it but once again it seems to have all the features of Photoshop CS (note the version) but no support for Actions that I have found. 
It does RAW conversion very well from my Fuji XP1, XE1, D800, D700, D3S, D3, D300, D1X and Nikon V1 files.   It even opens PSD files but I cant see the various layers.

BTW:  I wont be looking at anything that is Windows or Linux only (as I dont use Windows these days) and neither will I be considering Corel products.

Still learning after all these years!