View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat May 11th, 2013 03:21

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6927
Best to download images and put them somewhere you want.
Then use something like A Better File Renamer to get naming right then start the editing stuff.

I have just finished configuring my new Mac Pro 8 core beast. Actually not quite as I have to SuperDuper the boot disk onto a SSD so it boots faster.

You need to work in Sessions mode (File Browser) otherwise you have the hassle of Catalogs.
Personally I find all the softwares a bit clunky as I dont think that many really understand photographic workflow. I am very used to Bibble and that was very good but now it is with Corel it is as good as dead so I use CP 7.11 and Lightroom.

With all the Creative Cloud business at least Lightroom is outside the cloud so is a viable alternative.
I do not support Cloud Computing, obvious somebody at Adobe got an invitation to see Larry Ellison at Oracle and was convinced. For the real world there is hardly 100Mbit networks much less 1Gbit fibre optic in house and 50Mbit broadband to the door. California developers forget that Silicon Valley is 10-20 years ahead of the real world and 5-8 years ahead of rest of US. In some parts of US it is still not possible to get more than 1Mbit broadband. This should be their working standard not the opposite end of the spectrum!

Still learning after all these years!