View single post by jk
 Posted: Sat May 4th, 2013 07:27

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6866
OK Mission accomplished almost!.

I just need to fix it so that the clicking on an image actually sends you to the image in the Gallery rather than opening it in the frame which is horrible.
As a temporary fix if you right click and do a 'Open Link in new Tab/Window' then it works as I intended it to!

I will try to fix over the next few days when I have more time.


There is a Sponsors Image (mine).
If anyone wants to sponsor my expedition to this waterfall (King Edward VIII) in the jungles of Guyana then all donations will be gratefully received.

There is now (like on the old forum) five recent images that are the latest uploaded to the Gallery by any user.

There is also a Random Image which is just a random image from any users gallery images.


If you upload panorama (very wide images) I am not sure how they will be handled.

There may be other bugs so if you spot any then please take a screen shot and post to this thread. I will attempt to fix.

Still learning after all these years!