View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Apr 24th, 2013 13:08

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
jk wrote: OK I'll try and dig out the text of the how from the Popular Photography article.

Have to make it an image rather than just text.

Okay there is more adjustment in that sidecar than I previously thought....confess I didnt look at the Basic sliders.

Having worked through the worded steps, I still maintain that the problem is limited, stepped colour adjustment of a continuous tone image. You HAVE to drop the sky tone down to black to hide the banding of colour steps. Its almost posterising!

here's halfway....


Attachment: banding.jpg (Downloaded 24 times)

Last edited on Wed Apr 24th, 2013 13:09 by Eric
