View single post by Robert
 Posted: Tue Apr 23rd, 2013 16:21

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
novicius wrote:
Robert ,
Why the 20mm  f3.5 ?

Good for into the sun - sunsets, very sharp close up and said to be good for IR.

The AIS version with the 52mm filter thread. Being an MF, slow, obscure lens it is usually cheap, to me cheap is good.

For close work I much prefer an MF lens.

With flowers there is no point in focusing on the front parts of the flower, or the front flower of a group, that gives you only half of the available depth of focus on the subject, the rest of the DoF is wasted, giving a very sharp rendering of the air in front of the subject...

I try to focus into the flower to the point that the front parts just loose it, then back out a tad. That places the depth of focus so that the inner parts of the flower are usually sharpest, varies of course with different plants.
