View single post by Eric
 Posted: Wed Apr 10th, 2013 13:42

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
richw wrote: :rofl:

Since CS5 there is a refine edge button that just takes care of this for you. If they are using up to date software they are either unbelievably lazy or very uninformed.

Even with out the new functions you can defringe by simply loading the transparency mask, contracting it by 1 or 2 pixels, reversing the mask and deleting. I've had an action that does this in milliseconds...since Layers began.

I've had a (work) project on going since Christmas. One of my clients 'bought a camera' and decided to shoot their own furniture against a white wall. Nothing wrong with that until they realise not all the wall is pure white (they didnt light the wall!) and using a magic wand ....isnt magic!

So when they asked me to put their furniture in 'settings' (cos its winter over here and the gardens are naff) it presented a few challenges to say the least. Trying to match the shooting angles of two differnet images (product + background)...not to mention the studio and outdoor lighting ...and reflections!

I dont usually show any work on here but ...


Attachment: 3sets.jpg (Downloaded 39 times)
