View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Apr 5th, 2013 04:40

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6874
This factor (return to local manufacture) is something that we will see become increasingly common IMHO.
The glut of cheaper services and products has been achieved by exploitation of third world countries. This is modern slavery.

The above allied with the increased cost of shipping will drive costs up for everyone but at the same time this will bring an appreciation to people in the first world that everything does cost and that the marketing hype and gloss of consumerisation needs to be balanced with the more conservative values of need and affordability.
I beleve that in this new millenium we are seeing changes in peoples behaviours that might allow the species to draw back from the abyss of self destruction. There was a change after 9/11 events in 2001, again in 2008-2010 as the economic downturn happened.
The current younger generation are unfortunately caught is a shift of values and perspectives that can only be judged as desperate and heartbreaking for them and us as their parents.

Who knows what the future holds but we live in a world that we can easily destroy or live in for a very long time with some small but fundamental changesx in attitude.

End pf philosophy!

Yes I agree that we will see a general rise in prices for goods as the cheap labour market shrinks and wages rise.

Still learning after all these years!