View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Mar 28th, 2013 18:14

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Squarerigger wrote:
So Eric, now that you have had the Fuji Ex1 for awhile, what is you opinion of the system?

This sounds quite ridiculous...but apart from the initial tests I haven't picked it up!

I've been doing some serious home refurbishment projects that have totally occupied me for the last 6 weeks. So I haven't picked up any camera ...apart for commercial jobs.

But the current wave of interior redesigns have been completed least till July...and phase 2!

I have some outings planned in April when I hope to shake down the camera, in advance of our holiday travels.

Last edited on Thu Mar 28th, 2013 18:15 by Eric
