View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Feb 26th, 2013 13:07

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
richw wrote: I guess the same image has the potential to be used many times, and over a period of years. I did think about doing some shots of warehouse equipment after looking for some and finding the selection a bit limited, but the Image release requirements were daunting, you needed a signed release form for anyone in an image and the owners of any building or equipment featured.

And you need to keyword to the 'nth' degree to make sure your image pops up in the first pages...just like google!

I remember Vincent saying he was spending hours and hours just getting his images prepared for upload.

What also surprised me was the number of shots taken at National Trust properties. They are very strict about commercial use of photographs. When I approached them with some of my images they dismissed me saying that only the National Trust Photography Unit were allowed to take picture of their properties for sale.

Seems like the Bulgarian named bloke who posted them on this stock site didnt respect that edict. :-(

Last edited on Tue Feb 26th, 2013 13:28 by Eric
