View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Apr 19th, 2012 10:58

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
jk wrote: I agree with those sentiments and I think that is the reason why whenever I wheel out my old D1X that I feel very happy with its results.
Also I have never been 100% happy with the output from the D300 but I think it is a case of the D3 spoiling my expectations.
Results from the D300 always seem to be more noisy and not quite so well rendered as from the D3.

I will probably buy a D800 later this year but at present I want to use the Fuji XPro1 which is proving to be very satisfying. 16MP very light shooting JPGs.

The Fuji RAW processor is somewhat slow but still useable so I will probably move back to RAW soon and hopefully by then Lightroom and Photoshop ACR will be supporting Fuji XPro1 RAW format.

 I NEARLY bought an XPro but I am just not certain that its the right direction.

Sure if it is better than the X100 its going to be brilliant, but its the crossover to telephoto and DSLR that worries me.

If I KNOW that my shooting for the day is going to be 24mm, 50mm & 90mm then an XPro with these lenses would be a nice compact lightweight solution.

But I find that I invariably need a longer lens with me.

Last time on holiday (see Avatar:-))  I carried the X100 for wide and the D7000 with a 55-200 zoom. They fulfilled all my colour needs but there were occasions  when I tripped over the Fuji peculiarities and difference in function buttons at critical moments, swopping back and forth.

Having one body with a range of lenses, or two similar (eg layout of functions ) bodies sharing lenses is still my preferred set up for a casual days shooting.

I am taking a revolutionary step in May and ONLY taking the D7000 and 3 lenses.

Maybe after that I will have a clearer direction.
