View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Feb 18th, 2013 15:39

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
snapphoto89 wrote:
Hi, just bought a D1X, not too many still in use in South Africa, so I will be on the forum many times if things go wrong, here's hoping the camera will last many years.
I have been a photographer since early twenties, now 44, had many camera's but have never moved too far from Nikon. I have a F90X, and now the D1X.

Look forward to trying the D1X out this Sat at my daughters 6th Birthday party.

Welcome to the forum.

The D1X is a great camera. I have had many double page magazine spreads with its images. It is better, in many ways, than the D2X.

The key to making it perform is good glass, several getting out and using it!

Look forward to seeing you photos.
