View single post by Eric
 Posted: Thu Apr 19th, 2012 06:32

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Has the D800 now cemented the belief that cropping an FX sensor is better than a DX body or teleconverter? (OK if the D400 comes along that may change the goalposts again!!!!)

I always maintained that cropping my D3 images to a DX size frame was better than using a 1.4x* teleconverter and on a par with the D300 image direct from the camera.

Of course the file size was then always smaller which could present problems when using the pictures in large prints (once in a blue moon).  As a result my D300 and teleconverters fell into non use.

The only downside was the weight and bulk of the D3 in casual use situations.

But I am starting to think that after faithful service since its launch, my D3 is approaching retirement/replacement time.

The D800 lighter/ less bulky body may bring it into the dual role of professional and holiday use. I have always felt self conscious (more vulnerable?) wealding a D3 and pro lens ensemble in tourist/citylocations....and certainly I never used a tripod.

But historically more pixels required more precise technique. I found the 12mp D2X to only be better than the 6mp D1X when used on a tripod! The bigger D3 pixels were more forgiving.

Of course the noise free higher ISOs mean faster shutter speeds will help with hand holding. But I would really like to know from D800 owners whether they have experienced any quality 'disappointments' when hand holding?

In short, can you use the D800 as a casual walk around body?

*( 2x teleconverters were a different story)
