View single post by Eric
 Posted: Fri Jan 25th, 2013 17:24

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4424
richw wrote:
It's well documented that one of the secrets to Germany's economic success is lots of smallish but productive companies.

Thing about large companies is that they tend to move a lot overseas where they can get the work done cheaper (China, Bangladesh) whereas a smaller company will more likely use local suppliers/contacts. But even that is changing with the ease of subcontracting/sourcing via the internet, like that chap that got in trouble in the US recently for outsourcing his job to China.

One of my clients was a small engineering design and drawing office...they went bust. Every company engineering department has a computer with CAD...they don't need to outsource this sort of work any more.

One of my other clients refurbishes offices. He visits new customers on Day 1 and takes dimensions/ sketches and the customers requirements. He returns to his office and emails the details to his designer/CAD user who Australia!

While my client sleeps, the Oz designer works.
When my client gets into work next morning, the finshed drawings are waiting. He then takes them to his customer on Day 2...who is SERIOUSLY impressed with the efficiency and 'depth of resources' of this company be this proactive.

Clever use of the globe time zones....but not much use to local businesses who can't compete.

Of course, they could try to get work from Australian clients wanting their draughting done overnight. But I suspect Australians (and countries other than the UK) are more protective of their home grown industries!!!

Last edited on Fri Jan 25th, 2013 17:36 by Eric
