View single post by jk
 Posted: Fri Jan 25th, 2013 15:25

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6874
Squarerigger wrote: Some common sense comments here. I don't claim to be very savvy when it comes to economics but I have noticed one very troubling thing in the US. Every time I see a small company which does a product very well at a reasonable cost, some larger company buys them out and we go right back to poor product higher cost.
I have a very 'stupid' notion that says that no company should be larger than 10000 employees.  Actually I only surmise this number as a largest possible company that adds value that does everything itself.  If it outsources then 1000 is a better number.

Totally impractical I hear the screams from the side.

I also advocate equal shares of any profits to all staff.  So the cleaner gets the same profit bonus as the CEO. 

Once again the screams go up but the reality is each does their job to the best of their ability.  The fact that the cleaner gets £$€20000/year compared to the CEO who gets £$€250000 is not relevant if they all perform to the same level then the profits should be shared equally.
However if you dont perform adequately there are also penalties which ultimately are no job for you.  It has to cut both ways.

Still learning after all these years!