View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Jan 23rd, 2013 14:12

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6880
Having looked at this topic...

I decided that for my trip in MArch I needed a similar device and that my Nixvue and the Jobo Phototronic from 2004 really didnt fit the bill as they were PATA drives and so I count find a good large diskdrive that would work in them and I only had 80GB drives in both.
I didnt want to put my Macbook Air at risk so I decided to look around at the near replacements but with cureent technology that existed.

I eventually came up with this little drive unit with all the capabilities of my Nixvue but is 10 years newer!!

So I order from Amazon.    It arrived yesterday and is absolutely tiny!!
The very nice UK supplier have upgraded me (for free) from the 250GB version to the 320GB unit.  Thanks very much.  I appreciate greatly :-)
The unit in its case is only just bigger than the drive it contains but is battery driven and comes with an external unit to charge its battery.  It has a small TFT screen that allows you to copy from CF, SD, or any other camera memory device to its hard disk, or you can copy to another disk or USB attached device.   So flexible and easy to use.

Still learning after all these years!