View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Jan 16th, 2013 15:34

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Ed, I don't understand the "No tax payable" bit.

Here in the UK we have a sales tax called VAT, all sellers charge it unless the product is going abroad. If the product goes abroad, or perhaps in your case into another state, the local tax is payable.

When I have bought things, even used items from private sellers in the US, I have had to pay VAT, AND import duty, AND a 'Handling charge' by UPS or whoever the shipper may have been.

I know Apple play things by the book with tax and stuff, so how come this 'job outfit' can buck the [tax] rules?

Or, will the delivery driver be asking for a check from you when he delivers?
