View single post by Robert
 Posted: Mon Jan 7th, 2013 12:05

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Squarerigger wrote: Thanks Eric, I find it funny/sad that when you look up the iMac in the Apple store and you look at the list of possible upgrades, they list a DVD player you cable onto the desktop via USB. How's that for state of the art electronics. Take the damn DVD out of the machine and make me buy one that takes up more space on the desk. 

I thought computers and all this new tech stuff was supposed to make my life easier. I don't carry my cell phone anymore. If I leave the house I throw it in the glove box in the car and when I return home, I put it on the charger at home. I turn it on once or twice a day to check for any messages. Sometimes I miss a few days :rofl:

Sorry, had a bit of a rant there - feel much better - now where the hell did I leave that cell phone thing. :rofl:

Gary, Apple have been dropping the optical drives from all their new computer introductions since the Mac Book Air launched.  I haven't missed it. The MBA DVD drive is Wi-Fi as far as I know, it's only £60 and can be shared between a number of computers if need be.

When I got Lightroom I downloaded it from the adobe site as a demo which is fully functional for 30 days, I later added a key and that revived it after the 30 days expired.

I did the same when I got the Adobe CS5 suit of Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator and Acrobat Pro, I simply downloaded them and used them in 30 day demo mode to start with while I decided if I really wanted them. When the 30 days expired then I got the keys from Adobe and that revived them and allowed me to authorise them with Adobe.

I haven't installed software from a CD or DVD for years.  Elements will be available from the Mac App Store (MAS) and will be a painless automatic installation with updates via the MAS Updates mechanism.
