View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Jan 6th, 2013 05:34

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4467
Squarerigger wrote: blackfox wrote: gary i do all initial processing in apeture 3 ,when happy with the image ,i export to desktop as a 8 bit tiff file ,then drag/drop into elements ,i initially layer my subject then apply de-noise via a plug in filter to background layer (i use imageonic ) but theres tons out there including freebies ,as most of my work is posted to flickr or forums i then reduce image size to 1024 pixels on largest side .then i apply final sharpening to layered subject .then simply re-name as a j-peg and export back to desktop ,close down elements .  

 your image is then ready to post to flickr or wherever and/or import back into a finished folder in apeture 

Jeff, I read someplace you could make elements 11 or any other program your external editor in aperture preferences and then the file goes back and forth between both programs without having to make folders, etc. 
I have to get someone to explain this "layers" to me, I have no idea what it is.

Layers are like transparent 'Acetate sheets' that you used for presentations on an overhead projector, back in the old days.

You can add content (photos, text, filter effects, drawings...) to these acetates such that when you lay them on top of one another you get a cumulative effect.

Unlike acetates though, photoshop allows you to modify the individual layers characteristics (relative to one another), so you can get a myriad of combined effects.

In my last version of your photo, I cut out the man and placed him on a new layer above the background ....from which he was removed. Having thus seperated the two elements I was able to tilt and enlarge the 'man layer' then blur/ desaturate/darken the 'background layer' to better visually seperate the two parts.

As Robert said, these are tip of the iceberg uses ....and layers is far more versatile once you start to explore them.
