View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Jan 2nd, 2013 15:09

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
Facebook, which I know almost nothing about, has a games section for children, my two boys Michael 12, and Christopher 10, like to play the games on there.  Their mother tried to explain the benefits and features of Facebook to me for an hour. She almost lives on Facebook.  I couldn't see any reason to get involved.

Fair usage policy is what I have on my Broadband service. My ISP allows me about 20Gb a month but they don't want me to use it all in two days, that would be unfair, they want me to spread that 20Gb over at least the whole month.  They are flexible on the 20Gb if I go over a bit that's OK for one month but not every month, although they will remind me I have gone over.

That said I would be pushed to get 20Gb in a month with my connection!
