View single post by Robert
 Posted: Wed Apr 18th, 2012 02:40

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: South Lakeland, UK
Posts: 4066
For anybody with even a slight interest in close up photography this is wonderful reading.

Michael Erlewine is an expert on the art of making close up images with very little fuzz, or bokeh as it is more properly known, by using the technique known as Focus Stacking. Michael Erlewine's writing style is individual, and may not please everybody but the content is wonderful and well worth the effort to download and read.

A list of Michael Erlewine's publications can be found and downloaded in PDF form for free at:

Just hit the 'Download' button for each PDF you want to view. Set aside time to read!

Michael is highly respected and these PDF's are a wonderful resource. The macro bit is a pity because by his own admission Michael's main interest is in close up photography, not macro.

Macro photography properly means creating images where the image on the film or sensor in our case, is greater than 1:1. That is the image on the sensor is larger than the subject. Macro is a word which is heavily misused to mean close up photography, made worse by some lens makers using the term to describe lenses which can take close up images. Very few lenses are true macro lenses which enable greater than 1:1 without further attachments like a bellows or extension tubes. This is particularly irksome with zoom lenses which while they can be very handy to get close up to the subject, they don't generally respond well to being put on extension tubes!
