View single post by jk
 Posted: Tue Jan 1st, 2013 09:48

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6866
Eric wrote: jk wrote: Eric can yo show a screen shot of your ipad screen when you get to Gallery.

Do you mean My Gallery link in the left menu? You said My Albums I dont have that.

If I click My Gallery it takes me to the top level of my gallery and shows me logged in, with a Logout option.
I can also load an image from my ipad to an album.

Might need some detail on this as we have ipad and the gallery in play here both of which make it are more difficult to track as they are not on the main forum even and also I dont know my way around the internals of the ipad file structure.
Today I noticed on my ipad that all my favourites are gone :-(
Sorry JK, I meant My Gallery.
As you say, when this is clicked I get a header with 'Log out' at the extreme right. So I AM still logged in at this stage. If I click on the My Photos at the left end of this header it opens a series of thumbnails...with another header. At the right end of THIS header it says 'Log IN'. So I am not logged in on this page.If I try to edit any of these photos it won't allow me...because I am not logged in! In fact, if I select any of the left end options (my photos, albums, favourites ..even Home!) the pages show me as logged out.
When I follow this procedure in Firefox on the PC my log in is retained through all stages of the Gallery.

I've flushed out all the cookies and reset the password. When I relogged in I had the same anomaly. I have now additionally logged in at this secondary stage and I will let you know if it reverts to the logged out condition.
It's not a problem...just a bit irritating having to log in twice.

OK so this is a specific problem on the iPad and not for your account in general.

I have had similar problems on other fora but obviously I have no sight of what is happening.  It seems to me that this is an iPad problem whereby it doesnt keep the log-ins and permissions stored.
I have a similar problem on the BBC site with my iPad.  I have an account so I can comment on articles.  On the iPad I have to log in every time even though I have tried to clear down cookies, permissions, saved logins etc.  I dont understand why these differences should happen as it is an inconsistency that I dont seem to be able to track to a root cause.

Still learning after all these years!