View single post by Eric
 Posted: Mon Dec 31st, 2012 17:06

Joined: Wed Apr 18th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4363
Robert wrote: Good point Eric.  It does need a section for that.

There is a moderators section which is used to discuss issues and running arrangements but nothing similar for members.

Regarding your problem, it sounds exactly like what we had when the gallery first started, I think it was Ken who had a lot of problems along this line.  JK is your man, I don't think there is an issue at the forum/gallery end, I seem to remember it needed the permissions or cookies flushing or re-setting.

I think when this first arose it was posted in the gallery comments section
Ok - that's ringing a bell! 
I seem to recall JK recommended a procedure, but flushing out all the cookies etc didn't solve it.
Not really a big issue. I couldnt remember the password, so had to power up the desktop, with the saved password, to do the album editing.
You may then want to move this to the Gallery section? ;-)
