View single post by steve of oxford
 Posted: Tue Dec 4th, 2012 15:01
steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
Eric wrote:
Some years ago there was a craze of mounting small flash slave units on the side of the number plates. They were supposed to trigger when a speed camera flashed you/them and obliterate the number plate with extreme over exposure.

Don't know if they worked?

You could look really daft giving rude gestures to the camera only to find the battery on the slave was dead.


Yes they did work, however that was in the days of film cameras. Digital ones now take a number of fast frames, so unless you have an extremely fast strobe, almost 100% duty cycle, there will be a few frames that get you.

The best way is to;

1) obscure or remove the number plate

2) set fire to the camera

3) set fire to the town hall official

4) smash the camera

5) smash the town hall official

6) follow the town hall official around continually photographing him, when he snaps...defend yourself extremely well and possibly forget when to stop doing so.

7) present an FOI demanding the name of the business who supplied the camera......accidentally bump into the owner of that business one dark night and explain how it works. You 'may' have just been to an indoor Golf Range and have a club with you, and by sheer coincidence your wife might have asked you to collect some black bin bags on your way home. You get the idea.