View single post by steve of oxford
 Posted: Mon Nov 26th, 2012 16:33
steve of oxford


Joined: Sun Apr 22nd, 2012
Posts: 261
blackfox wrote:
very american ,but basically the same as our camelot state loot-tery the chances of actually winning are so low as to be laughable (except if you have won) when it first started over here it seemed credible but now there are so many different games running at the same time its to confusing .
at the end of the day its gambling the only winners are the organisers who just keep raking off your hard earned ,(if your stupid enough):whip::whip::whip:

Ours is bent, I've always suspected that. Too many of the 'winners' just happen to have done bird for some fraud related offence.

In fact the first winners were brothers (£18M) who ran a Post Office. rather un-coincidentally these two were later jailed for reading scratch cards and selling the winning cards to their mates.

Then there was the scrote who bought a mansion and turned the grounds into a banger racing circuit.....he was a bad lad.

Then we get the old greedy selfish types who win a big load and proclaim it won't change their lives and they will carry on working....turds like that should have the money taken off them and it given to someone who's life it will change.

But the fact is when you buy a National Lottery ticket in this country the organisers are in possession of the numbers you have selected, before the draw has even taken doesn't take a genius to see how this could be rigged. Besides, there was the case where the terminal contractors were facing charges un the US for attempting to bribe five Senators.

Of course it's fixed!