View single post by jk
 Posted: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 10:55

Joined: Mon Apr 2nd, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6925
Well I can truly say that it will make little difference who is there but for me the current incumbent has better credentials.

Unfortunately while there is two party politics in USA, every since 1940s.... I believe, with the exception when Ross Perot raised his banner, then the situation is confrontational politics which is not good for any country.

Ray if you think Democrats are Left wing then go to UK and try out the Labour party. They make Obama look like a raving Fascist!  Whilst I dont agree with all/some of the Democrats policies, some of those offered by Mr Romney dont seem to hang together too well.

What I can say is that situation in the UK is equally bad with the confrontational political style and it is this which in my opinion has caused both countries to become a pale shadow of their former selves.

Also they need to understand that what happens in Syria, Iraq, Iran, Tunisia, Libya and Afghanistan whilst being unacceptable to people in the UK and USA, it is not our country and so is not for us to impose our ways on those nations, however well meaning we might like to think it is. 
Inevitably the West (USA, UK especially) is not well respected in the Middle East and Asia as it is seen to be meddlesome and imperialistic.

I say, fix the problems at home before trying to fix those of other countries.  There are enough unemployed, disenfranchised, poor and needy people in UK and USA without looking abroad.

Still learning after all these years!