View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 17:25

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
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Ed Matusik wrote:
Why TIFF? I'm not familiar with PSE, but older versions of PS would not permit some features to be used with 16 bit images.

You can't save 16 bit as a jpeg, so you either keep it raw or save as a tif ...or psd to retain the bit depth. Some of the filter effects don't work on 16 bit most of the important stuff does. I use to save as tif to retain layers but also you can have lossless lzw compression with tif that gets files size down to jpeg level without loss.

The other benefit with tifs in the old days was many page layout programs wouldn't accept cmyk jpeg. I often had to sent brochure artwork with tif images linked...or the colour jpegs came out mono from the press!!!

But of course that's changed now and jpegs work too.

Last edited on Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 17:29 by Eric
