View single post by Eric
 Posted: Sat Dec 14th, 2024 00:37

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4460
Lovely shot Iain….but it made me very sad and remorseful.

I went in the garden a couple of days back to blow some of the leaves off the lawn. I store the blower in the same shed as the food stocks for the bird. Started up the blower and it wouldn’t blow despite it smoking and whirring. Stopped it and looked up the spout and it was crammed with peanuts and leaves. The woodmice had ONCE AGAIN stashed the spilled nuts and seed up my spout. Shook it and banged it about, started it again and air started to flow but not enough. 

So I rammed a broom handle down the spout and there was a sudden thud as the broom met the rotating fan. 

The nuts and leaves came flying out ….along with a little woodmouse with its head nearly chopped off. I felt so bad. Poor little thing had made itself a nest with winter provisions and I had killed it.

I should have learnt! A few years back I had a similar experience and the mother had 4 young in there! That time the banging remove 2 before I started the motor. Thinking they we’re all out I started the fan and the others flew out at jet speed …one survived to escape somewhat dazed.

After that I made sure the blowers spout was wedged against a wall to stop them getting in there. I must have inadvertently moved it this time allowing them to get up the tunnel hideaway. 

I left the carcass on a bench ( not entirely sure it wasn’t a pregnant female ) ….a magpie was grateful for a warm meal. :needsahug:

I didn’t dare tell Jan…she would chop something off mine off!!!

Last edited on Sat Dec 14th, 2024 00:37 by
