View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Nov 26th, 2024 17:06

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Had a numptie moment today!

Senior management was trying to photograph close ups of Christmas cacti with her iPhone. 

After assisting her with lighting I got the A1 out and went to take a photo with the macro lens, then …. I saw a large speck mid screen. I was at f22 so not surprising it showed up. Placed the camera on the table to go and get the sensor cleaning gear and dragged the camera off the table as I turned to depart.

I managed to get my shoeless foot between it and the tiled kitchen floor. The little toe took the brunt and hopefully the bruising and swelling will be down soon!!! Needless to say being a man, there was little sympathy on offer….i wasn’t hopping about and howling like a little girl…honestly? Me?

After the absolute unbearable agony subsided, I checked the camera….the jolt hadn’t shifted the speck. 

Spent a good 15 minutes using the on board speck removal routine, puffer blowing the sensor and finally cleaning it with a swab. Made no difference. Had I not seen it before the crash, I might have been more concerned.

Changed the lens to see if it was a lens problem….it was.  There was a pollen speck on the front glass. :banghead:

Blew the glass and away the pollen went.   In fairness it looked exactly like a dust bunny. But I was out of practise in these matters never having experienced the need to clean the A1 before….and also distracted by the absolute agony of a bruised little toe, you understand.

I should have been more trusting of the A1’s cleanliness. 

Since buying the camera I have NEVER had to swab the sensor till (unnecessarily) I did today. The feature that closes the shutter blind when switching off the camera has made lens changing a much safer, cleaner operation than with all of my old Nikons. 

I am now down to my last sensor cleaning swab, having wasted one.  Do I buy more or keep the Sony faith? o.O

Last edited on Tue Nov 26th, 2024 17:06 by
