View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Dec 5th, 2023 18:26

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
chrisbet wrote:
Hi Eric- he has departed - I don't think he ever wanted any advice! It seems to me that all he wanted was to pick an argument, we can do without that sort of member :thumbsdown:

Well I have learnt about locking the aperture and shutter - did not know that!!

Not all Nikon cameras have that feature….that was my point about changing camera.
However had he come back to discuss in a civil manner, I might have been able to advise him that he didn’t need to change his camera as his D700 DOES have that feature. All he needed to do was RTFM……page 326 to be exact….

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It’s also sad, because instead of spouting on about all the things he has done and how expert he was, he didn’t give any time to get to know us. Had he done so he might have realised that we ALL have skills and interesting experiences often hidden under our bushels. I only had to share a meal and a few glasses with a certain forum member to realise how much of a sheltered life I have led. :-) 

But then, I did present one of my own wildlife documentary films to the Queen & Queen Mother at a select gathering at Sandringham in the 1980’s…….never got a Royal Warrant on my projector though. :needsahug:

Last edited on Tue Dec 5th, 2023 18:26 by
