View single post by Eric
 Posted: Tue Dec 5th, 2023 13:08

Joined: Thu Apr 19th, 2012
Location: United Kingdom
Posts: 4435
Allen, you have either misinterpreted what I said or decided to be confrontational and unnecessarily insulting. Stop and take a deep breath….

You said you couldn’t manually control aperture & shutter ….you can. I’ve done it for 25years since I went digital.

You said you were moving the dials and losing settings….you can lock the aperture & shutter. I do it regularly.

My simple point was, if your digital camera hasn’t got these features which you deem important, then change it. 

I have been through more than a dozen digital cameras over this time, even changing the camera for specific jobs.
No matter how much experience you may have accumulated over the years, when it comes to a new technology we all have to accept there is always something more to learn.

I thought that was why you joined the forum?

Please note : I have made no comments about your train photograph and burnt out sun problems because I was assured with your experience you would know exactly what you did wrong.

So please accept that no one is trying to denegrate your long experience. There are already people on this forum with more experience than me ……and maybe even you. 

Until you start engaging with them rather than attacking every comment or suggestion, you will never know.

We can all learn something we didn’t know.

Last edited on Tue Dec 5th, 2023 13:08 by
